Thursday, April 16, 2009


It's with a certain bemusement but not altogether unexpected resignation that I gaze upon the laughable extreme righties once again making their poorly thought out "policies" part of the pubic, I mean public domain, helped in no small part by the inimitable Fox News, bastion of balanced journalism.
Oddly though those who are attending the so called rallies are espousing their dissatisfaction over a much more broad canvas of issues than merely the economy or perceived taxation injustice, the old favourite abortion was there along with various caricatures of "Chairman Obama" leading his socialist revolution, these people of questionable hygiene remind me of those who compared Dubya to Hitler, i.e. completely unfamiliar with historical precedent and clearly solely rely on that odious, drug addled, bi-polar minds of  "Oxycontin Rush" Limbaugh and Glenn Beck.