Sunday, July 1, 2012

TomKat - when the praying the gay away just doesn't work. Don't worry Tom, when you get to level 10 in the church you get a free* hetero power up.

*free referring to the automatic progression to Lvl 10 upon receipt of the pre-agreed 10 Million dollar ascension fee.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Mormon Blues

Please just give Mitt Romney the Republican Presidential nomination, it will be a humanitarian gift as the functioning public will not be exposed to the torrential verbal diarrhoea that the would be President's spout at their facile debates. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Bail out blues

It's not all together dissimilar to a scene where a Roman Governor visits a restive province in order to instil some discipline in the local rabble. This is, of course, when the so called Troika visit poor beleaguered Ireland and should the mood overcome them, flog us a little to whip us back into shape. A sad state of affairs to be sure, perhaps if the troika practised the Roman custom of decimation, restricting it to the senior bankers and political class they could actually do us a  great service. Start at the top, St Bertie, though instead of every one in 10, lets go with 6 in 10, we're all for efficiency and austerity these days anyway.
Tom explains how humility and restraint have been his guiding principles.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Michael McIntyre is to funny as Snooki is to Stephen Hawking.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Information superhighway with checkpoints

What happened to youtube? In it's nascent days it looked like it was fulfilling the promise of free information exchange now it more closely resembles a classified document, restricted not only by content but by geographical region at the behest of large corporate types, the "world" wide web never seemed so provincial.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


It may be somewhat predictable even rudimentary posting thoughts on the 10 year anniversary of 911 but sometimes the mundane is a necessity. I believe the response to 911 did more to harm America's prestige and credibility on the global stage than anything the dearly departed "emir" Bin Laden could have hoped for even in his most fantastical wet dream. I suppose it was an unfortunate coincidence of history that America was to be administered by one of her most incompetent leaders to date at the time of the tragedy. The compensatory swagger and Texan tough talk belied a man who lacked the essential capacity for understanding and analysis that destiny had foisted upon him.